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domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

Daily Blog #2

I'm at the beach, everything looks so beautiful.
The cool water feels so good against my body, and so does the soft sand.
The sky has this beautiful shade between yellow, orange and pink.
The place is full of Caribbean beauties and some papi chulos here and there.
Cold Coca-Cola is going down my throat and fuck it feels refreshing af.
The warm weather fits the whole scenario perfectly.
And to complete this perfect afternoon...
I'm listening to "The Neighbourhood".
These are the moments that we all need, to forget all the complications and issues that we have. And to remember that it doesn't matter how bad life seems to be sometimes, there's always something (a place, a person, a food, a song, a moment, a memory) that will make you feel good again. And those are the only things that really matter, the reasons we live for. So never forget it.

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